See Us Set Things in Motion
Your Welcome PTA Board Members

Meet the Members of your Welcome PTA.
This excited bunch of volunteers are the mouth piece of the PTA. They are grateful to you for all you do to support and help them do what they do. If it weren't for you, none of them could do what they do. Thanks for your support!

2017- 2018
School Year

Vice President
Angelica Alcaraz


Membership Chair

Event Co-Chair
Danielle Edge
Email: danielleedge42@yahoo.com

Miriam Torres
Email: miriametorres85@hotmail.com

Vice President
Adalilia Reyes


Membership Chair

Event Co-Chair
Your Welcome PTA Grade
This dedicated group of teachers go the extra mile, acting as the go-to person for their grade groups. They work to provide clear communication to the Welcome Teaching Staff what fundraisers and events are being planned, as well as voice what needs are being seen by their co-workers that the PTA can help with. They help our PTA run more effectively.